Memorial Restoration features very highly on the list of “things to do” and there is a considerable amount of restoration and repair to do given the fact the cemetery had been abandoned for decades. With the help and advice from qualified stonemasons many memorials have already been restored and hopefully a photographic archive of the work carried out will feature on the website in due course.

For now however the restoration and repair of the huge marble headstone of the GRIFFITHS family has recently been undertaken and the end result can be seen in the accompanying photographs. Without the continued financial support of the “Friends” of the Thomas & Elizabeth Mayhook Charity our work would not be possible and though our present income is limited the Trustees are always happy to receive any donation however small.

The headstone to the Griffiths Family was an unusual one in that it’s width was the same from the base to the top. The polished marble weighed over a quarter of a ton and had to have two steel pins inserted into the side of the memorial in order to lift it into position. As you can see from the photograph below the final result was achieved with great effort and the Trustees are grateful to all those who helped on the day.