3rd February 1841 – 3rd February 2021 -180th Anniversary today

Today is the 180th anniversary of the consecration of St Davids Cemetery and of St Davids Church carried out by the then Lord Bishop of St Davids The Right Reverend Connop Thirlwall on the 3rd February 1841.

Bishop Connop Thirlwall 1858.

As a mark of respect the Chairman of the Thomas & Elizabeth Mayhook Charity laid a basket of flowers at the grave of the Venerable Archdeacon David Archard Williams – who was the founding father of St Davids church and cemetery and also that of it’s sister church Christchurch, a few minutes walk away.


The first burial took place on the 5th February 1841. Margaret Davies aged just 22 who lived by the River Bank of the Towy, was to to be the first of nearly 6,500 until the cemetery closed in 2002. The Cross of Souls memorial will be a fitting tribute to all those with no known grave  or memorial when it is erected later this year.

The final resting place of the Venerable David Archard Williams
The basket of flowers laid today on the 3rd February 2021
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