Dear Friends, I just wanted you to know that we continue to cut the grass every week despite the difficult times we all face..

It is now done only by myself and my brother Robert, when we visited the cemetery this morning to give it the “once over” using our selection of mowers, keeping a safe distance apart of at least in our case 20 metres !
From 8.30am until 12.30 the sound of mowing (music !) was heard across the cemetery and when it was finally done I gave a sigh of relief, not least because knowing I had to cycle back home I needed to give my legs a rest. Not for 15 years had I ridden a bike, but as we are now in unchartered waters I felt it only right that I should have some exercise and leave the car at home as advised by the Government.

However, pushing a mower around for four hours is not recommended when you need to get on your bike afterwards as I found out today ! Having spent the last five years in restoring the cemetery I am determined to see that it is not neglected again and will do all I can to see that we maintain regular maintenance during these difficult times, even if it is only the basics of grass cutting and strimming. Our planned works to complete the restoration of the grounds is of course on hold until the Autumn or even later but we will get there I am sure. Finally I wanted to say that the database of this website is nearing completion and I am confident will be finally completed very soon. It will then contain ALL the inscriptions of names and dates, addresses and professions of all of those buried in the cemetery that had a headstone in 1977 when the survey was carried out. The database will continue to be modified over time and eventually we hope to link up the names with photographs of each of the memorials which will benefit hugely any local historian and those wider afield with connections to Carmarthen.

In the meantime both myself and my Trustees wish to send to you all our thanks for your support. Stay safe and God bless you all.