I am pleased to tell you that the rose beds are now beginning to flourish.

Five hours of mowing over the last two days has seen the grassed areas now looking particularly good and “patchy areas” have been re-seeded where soil restoration has taken place. The recent rainfall will help it to germinate and we look forward to having more grass to mow in the near future ! Having exercise during lockdown has taken on a new meaning but it’s all in a good cause.
I am also particularly pleased to tell you that this week we have uncovered yet another unrecorded memorial with an additional four names now added to the database memorial list. Clearly this slate headstone was already in the ground in 1977 and though the top of it is missing, all the relevant details are there. Four members of the JONES family together with two infant children. May they rest in peace.
The location of the memorial will now be plotted on the memorial map and it will remain in situ, though at ground level.