It is a sad fact that many of those buried in the cemetery are unknown to history especially in view of the fact that no burial plan now exists of their final resting place and in the case of William Price and many others he has no grave marker and is therefore now in an unmarked grave. What is important however is to remember them all whatever their importance or status in life and when the Cross of Souls – Y Croes Eneidiau is finally erected next January it will ensure that ALL those buried without a memorial such as William will finally be recognised and remembered. The fate of William like so many others of his generation was tragic and unavoidable. Accidents involving horses in those days were commonplace, though fatalities were few, and on that fateful evening in June 1903 William was tragically killed and left behind a wife and 2 year old son….here then is the article that appeared in the local press at the time.
Carmarthen Journal 26th June 1903
A sad accident occurred on Friday evening near the Cottage on the Llanstephan road, in which a young haulier named William Price of 24 Mill Street Carmarthen lost his life. The deceased was driving a heavy wagon load to Carmarthen, and when in the act of taking off the brake he unfortunately slipped and he fell underneath the heavy vehicle, weighing together with its load, about four tons which passed over his neck. Deceased was picked up unconscious, and died in about a quarter of an hour afterwards. The unfortunate young fellow was only 27 years of age, and he leaves a widow and young child, with whom the deepest sympathy is felt. THE INQUEST. Mr Thomas Walters, the coroner, held an inquest on the body on Saturday evening at the Edwinsford Arms, Llanstephan. Henry Francis Davies, sculptor, Lammas-street, said “ On the evening of the 19th inst., I and the deceased left Llanstephan about 7 o’clock with a four- wheeled wagon loaded with a tent and materials, which had been used in connection with the Eisteddfod held on the previous day The wagon was an open one drawn by three horses.

I and two others were in the wagon, and the deceased, who was the driver, was walking. Just by the Edwinsford Arms the deceased put the brake on before going down the hill towards the bridge. The brake was worked by a wheel on the front of the wagon. By the blacksmith shop he loosened the brake. When about half-way down the hill towards the Cottage I said, “I do not think the brake is quite off.” he then turned the brake again. He was still walking. All of a sudden I felt two jerks as if both side wheels had gone over a hard substance. I jumped off the wagon, and saw the deceased lying on the road.

He made a turn towards the side of the road, and never moved afterwards, but he breathed for some time. Deceased was perfectly sober. I have known deceased for many years. Mr T. Bland Davies deposed I am an agent for Mr Bland at Carmarthen. The deceased was in my employ for years. He was 25 years of age, married, and had one child. They lived in Mill Street. Deceased was a haulier, and had been sent to Llanstephan with a wagon and three horses to fetch the tent. Deceased was a very steady young man. The gross weight of the wagon was two tons 14cwts. Dr Arthur Richard Carver deposed: “Yesterday evening, about 7.45 p.m., I examined the body of the deceased. There was froth at the mouth, and he was bleeding from the ears. I am of opinion that the base the skull was fractured, and this was the cause of death”. The Coroner, having summed up and pointed out that the sad affair was the result of a pure accident, the jury of whom Mr David Thomas was foreman returned a verdict that the deceased died from fracture of the base of the skull, accidentally received by a loaded wagon which he was driving, passing over him on the Carmarthen road near the Cottage.” THE FUNERAL. The funeral, for men only, was a very large one, and took place on Monday afternoon last, the place of interment being St David’s Churchyard. Prior to departure a short service was held at the house conducted by the Rev O Jones (Curate). The deceased’s fellow employees at Mr T Bland Davies acted as bearers. The Rev O Jones also officiated in the church and at the graveside. A number of floral tributes of respect were received. The following were the mourners :—Mr D Price and Mr T Price (brothers) Mr Geo Evans (father-in-law) Messrs. D J Evans, C Evans, T Evans, and D Davies (brothers in law) Mr E Evans (uncle), and T Llewellyn (cousin).