The Thomas & Elizabeth Mayhook Charity held it’s annual general meeting yesterday, at which, on the retirement of the founding chairman Richard Goodridge, after seven years at the helm, the charity was pleased to appoint Mary Thorley as the new Chair.
Mary Thorley was born and brought up in Carmarthen. After studying for a degree in History and Politics at Swansea University she became a primary school head teacher in Gloucestershire and, later, in her home town. She was also Head of Teacher Training at Trinity St. Davids for a number of years and is now retired. Mary’s PhD thesis from Aberystwyth University was titled ‘The Naming of Women. The Lives of the Middle Class Women of Carmarthen 1850-1918.’ Some of the women she studied are buried in St. David’s Churchyard. Mary is committed to the work of The Thomas and Elizabeth Mayhook Charity which honours so many of the people who have been part of the life of Carmarthen Town.
David England was appointed Vice Chairman, and also on the retirement of Robert Goodridge as Treasurer, Mrs Gwyneth Thomas was appointed to look after the charities finances. Both Richard and Robert will remain volunteers of the charity.